A lymphatic drainage massage can also be referred to as lymph massage or lymphatic massage, which is a particular type of massage that focuses on the lymphatic system, as the name suggests. The lymphatic system, which is in charge of preserving fluid balance, moving waste, and fighting off infections, is extremely important for the body’s immune system, therefore a lymphatic drainage massage will be beneficial in helping the body’s resistance.


  • Reduced swelling and edema: various areas of the body can be treated with this massage technique to reduce swelling and edema, it is especially helpful for people who suffer from fluid retention such as those who have lymphedema or those who have experienced post-surgical swelling.
  • Detoxification: lymphatic drainage massage can achieve a purifying action that will encourage a healthier environment and boost general health detoxification will occur through the removal of waste products and toxins from the tissues.
  • Faster healing after injury or surgery: due to its ability in reducing swelling and promoting circulation, this particular massage is frequently used after surgery for faster healing.
  • Enhanced immune functions: since the lymphatic system is important for our immune system, as it transports lymphocytes throughout the body, it is clear that the lymphatic drainage massage can only contribute to supporting the immune system.
  • Alleviation for chronic pain: there are some chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome that can benefit from such massage promoting better circulation.
  • Achieving relaxation and reducing stress: Lymphatic drainage massage encourages relaxation and stress reduction, much like a regular massage does. This technique’s smooth and rhythmic strokes can promote calmness and well-being, making it a calming therapy for people who need stress alleviation.


The differences between a lymphatic drainage massage compared to a regular massage are due to the techniques and direction of the strokes, the intent and the contraindications.

Technique: lymphatic drainage massage uses light and rhythmic strokes that target the lymphatic system to encourage the movement of lymphatic fluid. Regular massages are more intensive and more pressure is applied to the whole body.

The intent of the massage: the intent of the massages is very different as the lymphatic drainage massage focuses on stimulating the lymphatic system for therapeutic purposes whereas a regular massage is done for relaxation purposes.

Contraindication: both massages are considered safe, lymphatic drainage massages need to be done by qualified doctors or physical therapists. The massages are not recommended for those that suffer from congestive heart failure, thrombosis. menstrual cycle, fever or currently have cancer.


Depending on the health concerns of the patient, the massage can be done in various zones:

  • Back
  • Chest
  • Face and neck
  • Abdomen
  • Limbs

The duration of the massage can vary according to its intended purpose.


If the lymphatic drainage massage is done straight after an operation or for the reduction of swelling, the benefits can be seen immediately. If the massage is done for other reasons, such as stress reduction and detoxification, regular sessions will be recommended to maintain the results. Since lymphatic drainage massage’s beneficial effects can build up over time, frequent sessions may lead to more notable and long-lasting effects. It is important to speak with a licenced massage therapist or healthcare professional in order to obtain results.


As previously mentioned, lymphatic drainage massages are generally considered safe if practised by a doctor or a massage therapist in order to determine if the treatment is suitable for you. If you have any medical conditions that you suffer from, if you are pregnant, if you’ve recently had any surgery, if you take any medications or if you have any allergies, let the doctor know before.

If you would like to book an appointment for a Lymphatic Drainage Massage or for more information, contact us at +971 50 494 6377 to arrange an appointment with our specialised team.

It boosts the immune system, reduces swelling and toxins, improves circulation, and promotes relaxation.

Frequency depends on your individual health goals and conditions. Consultation with our therapists can help determine the best schedule for you. Patients with few concerns might book once a month. Other patients with heavy leg syndromes opt for weekly sessions to relieve the pain in their legs.

  • While many in Dubai benefit from it, Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Cornerstone Clinic isn’t suitable for those with certain health conditions. We recommend a consultation to determine suitability.
  • Contraindications: People with certain health conditions (such as active infections, heart problems, kidney failure, or blood clots) should avoid lymphatic drainage massage or consult with a healthcare provider first.
  • Effects: The benefits can vary from person to person. While some may experience significant improvements in swelling and well-being, others may find the effects more subtle.
  • Technique: The massage involves light, rhythmic strokes to encourage the flow of lymph fluids. The pressure applied is generally lighter than that of traditional massage techniques, focusing on the skin and the layers just beneath it rather than the muscles.
  • Areas Targeted: While the specific areas of focus can vary based on your needs, the massage often starts near the lymph nodes (neck, armpits, groin, abdomen) and then moves towards the extremities. The therapist may also concentrate on areas with swelling or that are prone to swelling.
  • Duration: A typical session can last from 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the therapist’s approach and the client’s needs.

After the Session

  • Immediate Aftereffects: You may notice an immediate feeling of relaxation. Some people also experience an increase in urination or bowel movements due to the body’s detoxification process being stimulated.
  • Hydration: It’s commonly recommended to drink plenty of water after a session to help flush the toxins from your body.
  • Post-Session Advice: Your therapist may provide specific advice on activities or follow-up care, depending on how you respond to the massage.

In Dubai, Lymphatic Drainage Massage sessions at Cornerstone Clinic usually last 45 to 60 minutes, tailored to your specific requirements and areas of treatment.

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