Rhinoplasty Surgery In Dubai

A nose job, known medically as rhinoplasty, can define your face because it’s one of the

first features that people will notice. It can affect your confidence so it is important to

find the right surgeon with sufficient experience to deal with rhinoplasty because when

these surgeries have issues you can spend many more surgeries trying to correct it. We

also advice finding the right surgeon first time around.

The rhinoplasty plastic procedure is performed to help correct or reconstruct the shape of the nose. In most cases, rhinoplasty or nose job can enhance the aesthetic appearance and improve the dimensions of the face harmonising and enhancing your features. From a medical point of view, it can also help with nasal functions such as breathing and for a deviated septum when the nasal passage is tilted to one side making one nasal passage smaller than the other. Rhinoplasty is a popular surgery accounting for around 10% of cosmetic surgery requests in the world.


The most common problems that can be solved with rhinoplasty are bumps in the bridge of the nose, deviated septum, downturned or hooked noses, too wide or upturned nostrils as well as breathing difficulties. According to the type of problem that needs to be solved, your surgeon can indicate what type of surgery is more convenient. There are different types of rhinoplasties that can be done according to your needs:

– Standard Rhinoplasty (open rhinoplasty)

This involves full nose correction of the bridge, tip and nostrils where a small external incision is made between the nostrils in order to perform more extensive work to alter the nasal structures. The incision is very moderate and with proper care it can be imperceptible.

– Rhino Tip (nose tip plasty)

Adjustment of the nose tip is the main focus. It is a less invasive procedure compared to the others as it doesn’t require intervention to the nasal bone meaning that the recovery will be very quick.

– Preservation Rhinoplasty (closed rhinoplasty)

This procedure is performed internally to minimise scarring as the incisions are internal requiring less surgical time with a faster recovery. This is best for patients who require the bridge of the nose to be modified. This technique causes less swelling compared to open rhinoplasty as it can correct minor imperfections.

– Septorhinoplasty

This is similar to the standard open rhinoplasty as it helps to correct those who suffer from a deviated septum (that causes the air passage to be smaller on one side) allowing you to breathe better. The procedure infrequently makes a difference to the aesthetic appearance of the nose and in most cases, it is performed under general anaesthesia.


Even though people from the same ethnic group frequently share facial features, each person’s facial features are distinctive to them. Within an ethnic group, certain physical traits, such as nose length, width, shape, and projection, may be comparable. We can divide rhinoplasty styles into 3 macro-categories:

1) Arab nose rhinoplasty

Arab rhinoplasty patients from Iran, Lebanon, Syria, or other Middle Eastern nations make ideal candidates. The Middle Eastern nose might have a prominent hump, nasal tip droopiness that gives the nose a hooked or pointed appearance and a broad nasal base that gives the appearance of flared nostrils. Rhinoplasty in this case is intended to reshape the nose to produce an aesthetically pleasing look while maintaining the inherent ethnic characteristics of the nose that are specific to people who are of Middle Eastern descent. Asian or Indian rhinoplasty techniques use the same surgical principles.

2) Asian and ethnic rhinoplasty 

The average Asian nose seems to be flat, somewhat tiny, and poorly defined at the tip. These noses might have tips that are frequently broad and noticeable from the front. Asian and ethnic rhinoplasty tip refinement is accomplished by sculpting the lower lateral or alar cartilage, which is round and bulbous. Either the closed rhinoplasty procedure or the open rhinoplasty approach can be used to accomplish this to give the nose a more refined appearance and to make it more harmonious with the rest of the facial features.

3) Caucasian rhinoplasty

Characteristics of a Caucasian nose are that the nose appears long, narrow, and thin. Also, the tip is thin, and the bridge is fairly noticeable. The most common rhinoplasty concerns from Caucasian patients are nasal lumps, misshapen nostrils, and undefined or drooping nasal tips. To achieve the desired look for a Caucasian rhinoplasty, the skin, underlying cartilage, bone, and nasal lining are typically modified to improve the appearance of the nose while maintaining Caucasian facial traits.


In order to get ready for nasal surgery, there are a few things to take into consideration. Like all surgical procedures, a medical assessment and lab testing will be done to check your general health. Pictures prior to the surgery will be taken so that the computer software can show the possible postoperative outcomes. Smoking must be stopped prior to the surgery and inform the doctor about any medications you are taking.


Both local anaesthetic and sedation and general anaesthesia are effective options for closed rhinoplasty in the hands of a skilled surgeon. The right type of anaesthesia for your specific treatment will typically be recommended by your surgeon and anaesthetist. General anaesthesia is always used to perform a complete rhinoplasty.


The average nose job lasts between 1.5 to 3 hours, but it can take longer if intensive work is required. After the nose surgery is finished, you will recuperate in a recovery area before being sent home.


Right after the procedure, bandages and a splint that will act as a cast for the nose will be placed for a week after which you will be going in for a follow-up with your surgeon so that the splint can be removed as well as any stitches. Bruising and swelling may still remain however this will go down within 10 days.

It is also advised to restrain from strenuous exercise for a few weeks to allow the bones to heal.

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