Cornerstone Clinics

Sweat No More: A New Solution with Botox | Dr Maurizio Viel | Cornerstone Clinic | Dubai

Botox, FDA-approved, is renowned for its cosmetic prowess in smoothing facial wrinkles by temporarily relaxing muscles. Beyond its cosmetic use, physicians also harness Botox’s therapeutic potential to alleviate neuromuscular conditions like migraines, muscle spasms, and hyperhidrosis—a condition characterised by excessive and abnormal sweating.


Individuals who suffer from hyperhidrosis have sweat glands that become hyperactive, resulting in excessive perspiration unrelated to physical activity or temperature. It commonly affects areas like the palms, armpits, soles of the feet, chest, and face. For most individuals, hyperhidrosis isn’t typically a serious health concern. For many, hyperhidrosis isn’t usually a significant health risk. Nonetheless, it can cause discomfort and embarrassment and disrupt daily life.


At Cornerstone Clinic in Dubai Marina, our esteemed plastic surgeon, Dr Maurizio Viel, reveals the transformative potential of Botox in alleviating hyperhidrosis. Additionally, Botox has gained approval as a pain relief treatment by the NHS in the UK.



Botox, scientifically known as Botulinum Toxin, is often celebrated for its cosmetic prowess in smoothing wrinkles and fine lines. However, its therapeutic potential stretches far beyond mere aesthetics. This purified protein functions by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters responsible for muscle contractions, effectively immobilising targeted muscles. While Botox’s cosmetic benefits are well-known, its therapeutic applications are equally remarkable, and stands out as a key factor in providing relief.



Botox injections function by blocking the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which typically activates your sweat glands. Under normal circumstances, your nervous system triggers your sweat glands in response to rising body temperature, aiding in cooling your body. However, in individuals with hyperhidrosis, these nerves are excessively active.

When Botox is administered directly into the area prone to sweating, it essentially immobilises the overactive nerves. As a result, without the signal from these nerves, sweat production is inhibited. It’s important to note that Botox only affects sweating in the specific area where it is injected.



The duration of Botox results varies depending on individual factors and the treated area, typically lasting up to six months. Those receiving underarm Botox injections often witness results within 2–4 days post-treatment, with full effects becoming apparent within 2 weeks.


However, it’s important to note that Botox isn’t a permanent fix for excessive underarm sweating. While a single treatment provides relief for approximately 4–12 months, ongoing injections are necessary to maintain results. Dr Maurizio Viel can consult individuals experiencing excessive sweating to discuss tailored treatment options for the patients needs.


To book a Botox consultation or for more information, call +971 50 494 6377 to schedule an appointment with our plastic surgeon, Dr Maurizio Viel.


Dr Maurizio Viel is a licensed plastic surgeon who obtained his medical degree at the University of Milan, Italy and finished his studies in aesthetic plastic surgery in London, UK. He has been a practising plastic surgeon for over 30 years, working between Harley Street, London, Dubai, and Milan.