Botox is more popular than ever. Many of us feel (and look!) pandemic tired – and given how often we’ve been forced to stare at our own faces on zoom calls and virtual meetings, it’s little wonder that we noticed every imperfection and now want to eradicate those pesky wrinkles.

But while Botox has become the most common of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures all over the world, there are still plenty of questions surrounding it. Whether you’re not sure if Botox is for you or you know it’s time to stage an age intervention but want a little more info – from how it feels to what kind of results to expect and how it works, here are a few things to know…

Most importantly, why is it essential to visit a properly qualified surgeon with a good reputation?

Our expert surgeon is widely celebrated for his results, capabilities and global reputation. Doctor Maurizio Viel is a highly qualified surgeon with international certification in cosmetic surgery, a Fellow of a number of renowned associations throughout Europe and the United States and an artist in their field. We genuinely want to give you the most natural looking outcome (the overly frozen look is not a good one) and will never offer you unnecessary treatment.

Onto the treatment itself… what is Botox and what does it actually do?

Botox, or Botulinum Toxin as it is formally known, is not a poison – despite its slightly intimidating name! It is a purified protein that blocks nerve signals and prevents your facial muscles from moving – which in turn stops you from being able to fold or wrinkle your skin (like in a frown). And, as a bonus, while your muscles are temporarily immobilised, you are also breaking habits by not using them to crease your face, meaning that you aren’t creating deeper lines but are actually preventing new ones from being formed. Botox goes beyond wrinkles – it can also help reduce migraines and the overproduction of sweat.

How long does Botox last?

Botox injections put muscles ‘to sleep’ for a period of three to six months, but results vary from person to person. Our surgeons will tailor the dose according to your needs – if you’re overly expressive or you exercise a lot, then you may need a little more than someone younger who is turning to Botox as a means of wrinkle prevention. Results can last longer with repeated treatments.

What will happen during my appointment and how will the Botox treatment feel?

The surgeon will take time studying your face by asking you to frown, raise your eyebrows and smile so that he can see the exact patterns of your forehead and facial movements. After cleaning your skin, small amounts of botulinum toxin will be injected into specifically targeted areas. These can include the forehead, around the eyes/crows feet, between the eyebrows and around the nose – depending on your personal needs. The injections are not painful (think more a ‘pinch and a pinprick’ than a deep injection) and are administered quickly – you can expect to be finished within approximately 15 minutes. You may have a few tiny red marks where the needle was inserted for a short while after treatment but these will fade and the Botox will gradually take effect over a week to ten days.

How long will the Botox last?

Botox lasts approximately four months – after that, your muscles will slowly regain their mobility (although you will have got used to not frowning, etc., and so your wrinkle-forming habits will have changed!).

Botox is one of the best almost-instant anti-ageing solutions and can be combined with a number of our other treatments, from fillers to profhilo injections.

To book a Botox consultation or for more information, contact us at +971 50 494 6377 to schedule an appointment with our plastic surgeon, Dr Maurizio Viel.

Dr Maurizio Viel is a licensed plastic surgeon who obtained his medical degree at the University of Milan, Italy and finished his studies in aesthetic plastic surgery in London, UK. He has been a practising plastic surgeon for over 30 years, working between Harley Street, London, Dubai, and Milan.


If they want a facial treatment it should be done before Botox. They cant do a facial treatment after Botox in the same day, only 3 days after.

No, that would count as 2 areas. Forehead and area between the eyebrows (Called Glabella).

You can do Botox while breastfeeding, but you will not be able to breast feed within 3 days from Botox treatment. Therefore, you need to keep a stock of your milk that is good for 3 days.

First day would be when he administers the botox injection. No breast feeding. But after the treatment, he advises to pump the milk to stimulate milk production but discard it later.

2nd and 3rd day, still no breast feeding.

No, after the injections they should wait at least 4hours.

Depending on the areas:

1 area AED 1,420

2 areas AED 1,630

3 areas AED 2,050

4 areas AED 2,600

Botox is used to reduce lines and wrinkles on the face by relaxing the facial muscles. Botox paralyzes the muscle.

The effects of Botox last for about 3 months, then muscles begin to move freely again, lines and wrinkles start to reappear. To maintain a line-free look, Botox injections need to be administered several times each year.

Botox and dermal fillers are commonly used together. When these two treatments are combined, their results can last for as long as a year, whereas the results of Botox alone last for a maximum of 6 months. Botox relaxes the facial muscles and fillers add volume, resulting in smoother skin.

If patient observes any kind of irregularity, they can come for a top up in between 10 to 14 days after the treatment.

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